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“Compared to a solid gold marker, they [BioXmark® markers] had favorable results in both visibility and induced imaging artifacts [in MRI and CT]. Hence, the liquid marker provides a minimally
invasive (fine needles) and highly applicable alternative to current solid gold markers for multi-modal image-guided prostate radiotherapy.”
Dr. Tom Depuydt, PhD, Head of Medical Physics, UZ Leuven.De Roover R et al. Characterization of a novel liquid fiducial marker for multimodal image guidance in stereotactic body radiotherapy of prostate cancer. Medical Physics. 2018 May;45(5):2205-2217.
“BioXmark® introduced a smaller dose perturbation compared to solid fiducial markers investigated…”
Prof. Dr. Tony Lomax, Chief Medical Physicist, The Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. Scherman RJ et al. Liquid fiducial marker applicability in proton therapy of locally advanced lung cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2017 Mar;122(3):393-399.
Nanovi A/S is a medical device company specialized in the development and commercialization of innovative liquid fiducial markers. Our corporate commitment is to enable high-precision cancer treatments for better outcomes and higher quality of life for patients and to make healthcare more cost-efficient on a global scale.
Fiducial markers with unique features for accurate target marking to enable high-precision radiation therapy
”I founded Nanovi on a vision. A vision of substantially improving the treatment of cancer patients receiving radiation therapy and/or surgery via increased procedure precision. In both fields, technology advancements over past decades have made image-guided procedures available for better therapeutic outcome. However, to leverage the full potential of image-guided therapy there is a need for flexible fiducial markers to enable optimal target visualization across cancer types. Building on my expertise in biomaterial compositions for medical applications, we invented the carbo-gel technology platform as the basis for the development of novel liquid fiducial markers with unique features for accurate target marking to support high-precision radiotherapy and surgery.”
Thomas L. Andresen, Founder
Read moreBuilding on a patented biomaterial platform
BioXmark® and PetXmark™ are developed by Nanovi on the basis of a technology platform invented in collaboration with the Department of Health Technology at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
Nanovi’s offices are located at the DTU Science Park.
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