Global radiation therapy market specialist joins Nanovi’s board of directors

25 November 2019

DK-Copenhagen, November 25, 2019 – News

Nanovi A/S (Nanovi) has added global cancer and radiation therapy market competences to its board of directors with the election of Michael Sandhu as a new board member at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the company earlier in November.

Michael Sandhu comes with +30 years of international experience in the field of radiation therapy, mainly from three decades of tenure with Varian Medical Systems, a world leading supplier of radiotherapy equipment. Michael has held leadership positions in global cancer and radiotherapy market development and access, customer and partner relations management and commercialization. He is CEO and owner of remediumRT AG, a cancer care consultancy company, and Board Member of the Global Access to Cancer Care Foundation.  Michael holds a BSc (Hons) in Medical Sciences from the University of Bradford.

The addition of specialist radiation therapy market competences coincides with Nanovi’s expected commercial launch in Europe of its first liquid fiducial marker, BioXmark®, in the 1st quarter of 2020. BioXmark® is a liquid fiducial marker intended to radiographically mark soft tissue and effectively guide high precision radiotherapy of cancer patients.

To motivate his decision to join Nanovi, Michael Sandhu commented: “Cancer is one of the largest killers globally and both the incidence and mortality is only set to grow. Radiation therapy is currently the most effective non-invasive cancer treatment available. Of those cancers that are cured, curability is attributed to surgery in 49% of cases, radiation therapy in 40% and, chemotherapy in just 11% Still, both the access to radiation therapy and its effectiveness can be improved, and as my career progressed in the field of radiation therapy it became clear to me that these areas are where I want to devote my knowledge, time and energy to help make a difference. Radiation therapy will grow globally and Nanovi represents a unique technology that can clearly improve its effectiveness particularly in difficult to target cancers.”

Simon Hesse Hoffmann, Chairman of Nanovi added: “We are really pleased to have been able to attract Michael to Nanovi. His commitment to improve both the access to and the quality of radiotherapy is fully in line with our corporate mission. He is internationally renowned, has an extensive network, and he brings deep customer insights as well as valuable understanding of market dynamics and unmet needs in radiotherapy. His contribution will be key to support a successful commercial launch and market penetration of BioXmark®.”

At the same time as Michael Sandhu joins as new board member, two of Nanovi’s previous board members, Gordon McVie and Flemming Thorup have stepped down after several years of committed board membership.