“BioXmark® introduced a smaller dose perturbation compared to solid fiducial markers investigated….”
Prof. Dr. Tony Lomax, Chief Medical Physicist,
The Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland.
Scherman RJ et al. Liquid fiducial marker applicability in proton therapy of locally advanced lung cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2017 Mar;122(3):393-399.
“Compared to a solid gold marker, they [BioXmark® markers] had favorable results in both visibility and induced imaging artifacts [in MRI and CT] Hence, the liquid marker provides a minimally invasive (fine needles) and highly applicable alternative to current solid gold markers for multi-modal image-guided prostate radiotherapy.”
Dr. Tom Depuydt, PhD, Head of Medical Physics, UZ Leuven.
De Roover R et al. Characterization of a novel liquid fiducial marker for multimodal image guidance in stereotactic body radiotherapy of prostate cancer. Medical Physics. 2018 May;45(5):2205-2217.
“BioXmark® has beneficial MRI properties regarding the trade-off between potential visibility and artifacts compared to the tested solid gold markers […]”
Dr. Aswin Louis Hoffmann, Head of Medical Radiation Physics, OncoRay, Germany.
Schneider S et al. Quantification of MRI visibility and artefacts at 3T of BioXmark® fiducial marker in a pancreas tissue mimicking phantom. Medical Physics 45(2018)1, 37-47.
“The liquid fiducial markers were visible and stable in size and position throughout the treatment course.”
MD, PhD Gitte Fredberg Persson, Department of Oncology, Herlev-Gentofte Hospital, Denmark
Scherman RJ et al. Liquid fiducial marker performance during radiotherapy of locally advanced non small cell lung cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology. Volume 121, Issue 1, Oct 2016, 64-69.
“Habermehl et al. underlined the importance of (1) visibility, the (2) absence of artefacts, (3) an easy application, and (4) sufficient immovability for fiducial markers as the four key criteria […]
Habermehl et al. Evaluation of different fiducial markers for image-guided radiotherapy and particle therapy. Journal of Radiation Research, 2013, 54, i61–i68
Our results showed that the liquid marker BioXmark® fulfills all four key criteria and is therefore an alternative with advantageous features”
Professor Dr Stephanie E. Combs, Prof. and Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München .
Dobiasch S et al. BioXmark® for high-precision radiotherapy in an orthotopic pancreatic tumor mouse model. Experiences with a liquid fiducial marker. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie. Dec 2017, Volume 193, Issue 12, 1039–1047.